Meet experts and grassroots leaders from around the world!

We are so excited to introduce you to our fabulous array of presenters. We partnered with people who are passionate about protecting the planet and eager to share what they've learned.

You'll meet youth and elders, government officials and students, neighbors, faith community members, entrepreneurs, scientists, and others!

Find out how they are making an impact in food, housing, air quality, forestry, zero waste, ocean conservation, and much more.

Get a free 1-day pass and access the videos on demand instantly!

Mother Earth Day Keynote: Shannon Francis

Planting Ancestral Seeds of Transformation for the Next Seven Generations

Seven generations ago, our ancestors took care of these lands, sacrificed, found and died so that we may exist today.
We will dive deeper into more transparent conversations of hard truths, historical injustices and reconciliation.

How do we plan for the next seven generations to come? We'll explore where we go from here as humans and how can we put rights of Mother earth and rematriation at the forefront in our everyday lives.

What is our role and responsibility to be a good ancestor? We look to Indigenous knowledge and traditional ecological knowledge to reimagine a new paradigm shift in ways of being to co-exist and to slow down climate change.

We'll explore where we go from here as humans and how can we put rights of Mother earth and rematriation at the forefront in our everyday lives.Get a free 1-day pass!

Thank You to Our Sponsors

Thank you to our sponsors who make this event and support us in achieving our mission. We can't do what we do without them. THANK YOU

Redwood Sponsor

Earth Week Summit Host

Conifer Sponsor

Aspen Sponsor

What our community is saying...


Claudia Lorena Hurtado


My name is Claudia Hurtado, and I was a presenter at the 2021 Earth Week summit. I represented Fundación CORALCol, an environmental non-profit based in Colombia. I loved that the Earth Week summit allowed me to present the work the CORALCol team has done with the communities in Buga, Colombia, such as river clean-ups and workshops with children.

Participating in the summit allowed me to show many people around the world the work we are doing to protect the environment, using education and art as our primary methods of awareness. I highly recommend participating in the Green Team Academy events, as you will not only meet passionate people who do great things for their communities and the environment but also learn how to do the same for your own, while following your passion for helping others.


Namubiru Brenda


Hello,My name is Brenda Namubiru from Trinity Forestry Services-Uganda.I have been part of the International Climate Action challenge organized by Green Team Academy since 2020 And I have as well been part of the Earth week summit organized by Green Team Academy.
I love the Green Team Academy annual "Earth week summit" because of the inspiration I get from the eco-leaders through the shared experience and stories of their journeys, including the ups and downs that kept them moving. Their testimonies give a Ray of hope ( to me and my team) knowing that there is a group of people that have seen and passed through what we are currently facing and yet they over came it in a very unique way.So we learn alot from their stories and thus use these tips to fix the gaps that could be lagging in our operations. These testimonies have done a great deal to our teams growth and strategy.Waawza to GTA.


Christopher Marvin Tumusiime


I am Christopher Marvin Tumusiime from Trinity Forestry Services Ltd Uganda. I have attended at least 3 Earth week summits and I am so hopeful to attend 2024 Earth week summit too.

I love the idea that it's an online summit that connects people from wherever they are in one space.
The earth week summit is a learning hub and an inspirational platform for Eco lovers. People passionate about environmental work and doing it as a career come together and share ideas, gather new experiences,

This way also shapes and sharpens one's goal, mission and vision and makes it fit, achievable and practical inorder to create a sustainable impact.

Above all, it builds a social capital.

© Copyright 2024 Green Team Academy, a fiscally sponsored project of Social Good Fund.